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How to Make Reports Visible to Managers


Custom reports are visible to all site administrators on your platform, however, by default managers will not have access to these reports. This guide will show you how to make a report visible to your managers.

Step 1 - Adding manager permissions

In order to allow managers access to the Reports section of the Site administration menu, you’ll need to assign Manager permissions to these users. This can be done manually by ticking the “Reporting access” profile field on an individual users profile as shown below:

Test pathway content page

Alternatively, this can be done in bulk by adding the column “profile_field_ismanager” to your bulk user upload sheet and adding the value of “1” for any users which you wish to assign manager permissions to. 

Once the permissions have been applied to your users, they will be able to view the following reporting pages within the site administration area of your platform:

Test pathway content page

Step 2 - Adding report audience

Now that your managers can access the reports area of the platform, you'll need to provide these managers with access to specific custom reports, without this, they will not be able to view any of the reports. This is done by establishing a new "Audience" within a report.

To do this, you’ll need to go into a custom report and click into the “Audience” tab. You can then select the option of “Assigned system role: Reporting access”, which will allow all users with reporting access (assigned in the previous step) the ability to access and view this particular report. 

Test pathway content page

Step 3 - Data visibility

By default, managers will only be able to see report data for users which they manage. This information is established based on the hierarchy profile fields used within your platform. This isn’t something we’ll be covering within this guide, however, once you’ve successfully set up your hierarchy the new managers will be able to go into the reports and view data for the users which they manage within your organisation.

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