The file module is a useful tool for sharing files as activities for users to access within a course. The File activity allows the file to be displayed within the course interface when possible, if not, allowing it to be downloaded once clicked. This guide will show you how to add a File activity to an existing course.
Step 1 - Adding the activity
With the course page open, you’ll now need to follow the steps below in order to add the File activity to the course:
- Enable “Editing mode” using the toggle in the top right corner of the course page
- Click the “Add an activity or resource” button under the chosen topic (section) you wish to add the activity to
- Select the ”File” activity from the list of activity types
Step 2 - Activity setup
After selecting the File activity, the File activity creation page will open. Here you’ll need to provide all the information required for each section marked with an exclamation mark, all other sections are optional. We’ll take a look at each of the key sections below:
General - In this section you’ll need to provide the essential activity information such as the name of the activity, the activity description and you’ll need to upload the file to be used within the activity - this can be manually searched for from within your repository or simply drag and drop the file into the file drop area.
Appearance - You can alter the appearance of the activity, but for the best user experience we recommend keeping the display set to “Automatic”.
Activity completion - From this section, you’ll be able to establish the criteria for File completion. You can make changes to the requirements for activity completion by setting it to either:
- Do not indicate activity completion - For cases where activity completion is not required.
- Student can manually mark the activity as complete - Only suitable for additional learning resources, not mandatory or compliance based learning, as users wouldn't be required to complete any of the learning content.
- Show activity as complete when conditions are met - Here you can set certain requirements for activity completion. We recommend using:
Step 3 - Save
Once you have adjusted your settings to your preference, you can then scroll to the bottom of the page and click save. This will return you to your course page where you can test your activity or move its positioning around within the course using the course navigation menu in the top left of your course page.